Professionalism with

A woman standing with four dogs in front of trees.





    If your needs line up with my schedule & training criteria, you could be traveling while I am pampering, training (including Reactive Dogs), and socializing your puppy/dog with other pups.  Your home would not be vacant at night or much of the day either...added security!

  • Followed by private training sessions so you and your pup will learn to bond more deeply and train together
  • Enjoy Reduced Stress, Increased SERENITY for both you and your pup.  Increase Your Knowledge Base Of How Canines Think, Genetic Predispositions, & The Adoption Of A Loving Leadership Role That Your Dog Will Understand & Want To Follow
  • Offering an "In-Home Initial Assessment & Training", followed by additional training/socialization which is usually located in a beautiful, 3/4 acre fenced area and or beautiful park setting as well as "in-home" with Board & Train
  •  Puppy & Dog Obedience & Behavior training - Training  packages (including email support), Reward Based, Individual Training Plans,  All Age Socialization & Enhancement Opportunities,  Fun - Yet Affective Disciplines taught, Obedience & Behavior Training for all pups...Young, Hyper, Reactive, Fearful, Learned Helplessness, Passive, Depressed, Joyful, Unique In Love
  • Puppy Potty Training, Crate Training, Biting, Barking, Destructive Behaviors, Not Listening & The ZOOOmies!
  • Loose Leash and Advanced Off Leash K9 Dog Training - Lives are changed, safety and sanity restored...seriously!
  • Behavioral & Obedience Training for Dog Fear Reactivity in the forms of Barking, Lunging, Air Snapping, Freezing, Cowering
  • Dog Behavioral Training For Rescue Dogs of all Breeds/Ages/Temperments. This Includes, but is not limited to Mixed & Pedigree Breeds including German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retriever, Giant Schnauzers, Pugs, Pits, Terriers, Siberian Huskies, French Bulldogs (Frenshies),Poodles, Designer Dogs like NewPoos, Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, and all Doodles:)
  • One on One "Dog Group" Puppy &  Dog Socialization Training/Play - Enhanced Social, Mental, Emotional and Physical Balance For A Content Pup and Parent!!

      Private "Packaged Obedience Training" at home & different locations

  •  To be Actively Listened To, Cared about and both You & Your Dog          Treated as an Individual?
  •   Work With A Puppy Trainer In Order To Create A Solid, Safe Foundation From The Beginning In Order To Eliminate 4 - 5 Month And Beyound Behavioral Problems? No Need To Wait Until Your Puppy Is Fully Vaccinated To Start Socializing With Safe Dogs
  •   Receive Trustworthy, Professional, Experienced & Highly  Recommended Dog Obedience & Behavioral Training With Lasting Results                                                                                                                                                           Please Visit Our Contact Page For A Quick Response

Socialized mature dogs are a joy unending!

"Train up a child (pup) in the way he should go & when he is old he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6

"Give your son training, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your soul".  Proverbs 29:17



In Home Puppy/Dog Obedience & Behavioral Training

Positive Reinforcement Puppy/Dog Obedience & Behavioral Training & Consulting

Exciting Socialization Opportunities During Training As Well As Afterwards

Please complete the Contact Form For a Quick Response