It is extremely helpful to learn all you can about dogs’ body language and even dive deeper into breed specific body language. Some stress signals can be lip licking, stiffening, wide eyes with white corners, and yawning. When a dog feels threatened by something, the first and safest option (they think) is for them…
Read MoreLearning how to prevent your puppy from feeling the need to guard their food bowl is an important step in eliminating “Resource Guardingâ€. Sometimes dogs can become fearful of losing access to things they value the most and this causes them to become defensive. A dog who guards their food bowl might start to…
Read MoreWhen is the last time we wore a fur coat or walked barefoot on Asphalt in the heat of the day? We know it is important to keep our pets cool and some reminders are warranted with the hot days of summer upon us. The normal temperature for a dog or cat is around…
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